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Televiziunile s-au umplut de imaginea lui Florin Iordache. Tupeu de lacheu |
Dinamitarea Justiției, promovarea pe față a corupților este trădare națională. Prevăd proteste de o amploare inimaginabilă, după care poate urma orice. Absolut orice.
Prevăd că autorii acestei lovituri de stat de drept vor avea parte de un final pe măsură, dar nu știu când va veni acest final. Cred cu sinceritate și naivitate că se va face dreptate, dar acum nu mai știu când. Va fi vuiet.
Iar personajul ales să exprime unul dintre cele mai penibile momente din istoria României post-decembriste, ministrul Justiției Florin Iordache, s-a prezentat ca un lacheu cu tupeu. Nu îmi place să vorbesc aprig, dar bunul simț al oamenilor care au așa ceva a fost atât de brutal lovit, în stil mafiot, încât e greu să alegi eufemisme. Biată Românie.
da, călin. noaptea hienele se furișează mai bine, ziua comit mascarade.
RăspundețiȘtergereacum indignarea devine furie. problema este că vor ieși scântei, javrele roșii își vor arunca în stradă slugile, se va încerca să se desființeze totul.
acum vreau să-i aud pe cei care au votat psd-ul cât de bine cred că le va fi că vor avea câteva zeci de lei în plus în buzunar, dar vor avea fii, nepoți, rude care vor fi agresate, furate, violentate și bătaie de joc tocmai pentru că au fost imbecili și au mâncat rahat cu polonicul!..
o altă marți neagră.
rușine pentru toți cei care acceptă mizeria asta! și asta!
Indignarea va atinge cote fabuloase. Nu ai cum să nu ieși în stradă, nu ai cum să fii atât de bun încât să nu urăști asemenea javre. Cozi de topor. Mi-e frică de păpușarii care vorbesc rusește. Mărturisesc. Dar secăturile vorbesc limba română.
ȘtergereAu comis un lucru atat de josnic,de incalificabil,incat
RăspundețiȘtergerecelor cu ratiune si bun simt le este rusine,de nerusinarea lor !
Simt o prabusire a sperantelor Romaniei de a iesi din acest marasm...
Este ceva comparabil cu mineriadele criminale ale lui Iliescu. E trădare națională.
ȘtergereSunt josnici! Sper sa se faca dreptate.
RăspundețiȘtergereSe va face. Până la urmă. Dar va fi dureros. Și va dura mult.
Ștergeredpdv moral, da.
RăspundețiȘtergereconcret însă, posibil nu mai mult de 10 zile.
se pare că și-au luat o marjă (cu cele 10 zile de intrare în vigoare). să sperăm că strada a trecut testul în noaptea asta. de mâine îi convingem.
dacă ai tu posibilitatea, vino cumva cu ideile principale din ordonanțe, pe înțelesul tuturor. acolo este clenciul.
musai va fi bine! ăștia nu vor fi nici măcar pată neagră pe obrazul istoriei noastre. sunt deja la gunoi.
Da, e necesar ca toată lumea să știe „pe text” care sunt problemele. Gunoaiele, secăturile, se vor lăsa greu. Ar putea să nu fie de capul lor. Dar binile învinge!
ȘtergereEvreul George Soros demascat de ROMANIA TV. Guvernul Cioloș Impus de miliardarul Soroș
RăspundețiȘtergereSprijină munca pe care o facem și distribuie mai departe materialele pe care ți le trimitem! Mulţumim!
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Guvernul CIOLOȘ nu este GUVERN ROMÂNESC! Este Impus de miliardarul american George Soros,FMI, UE – este impus din afară!
Nu mai am nici o indoiala, incendiul de la Club Colectiv a fost premediat. Tot ce s-a intamplat acolo a fost o actiune de tip steag fals prin care Soros a preluat in totalitate fraiele puterii in Romania. Securistii trebuiau neaparat sa se asigure ca Romania va fi de partea UE in viitoarea conflagratie mondiala. Au reusit, multimea a fost prostita mai rau ca la revolutie. Media romaneasca si-a facut pe deplin din nou datoria manipuland si ducand protestele in directia dorita.
Multi dintre noi cred ca am observat ca oricine a incercat sa strige Jos Iohannis sau sa il cinsteasca pe Dumnezeu in pietele unde s-au tinut protestele, au fost din start maziliti. Grupurile foarte bine organizate prin ONG-urile lui George Soros si cu puternica sustinere a presei centrale, s-au transformat in liderii protestatarilor. Profitand de lipsa de coeziune si de idei clare a ceea ce si doresc romanii ca alternative la actualul sistem si actuala clasa politica, licuricilor le-a fost foarte usor sa preaia controlul si sa-i manipuleze pe romani, ducandu-i exact unde au vrut ei si facandu-i sa creada pe bietii romani dezorientati, ca Iohannis este solutia si in el trebuie avuta toata speranta. Iohannis, care este un doar un papitoi care face doar ce i se dicteaza din spatele cortinei.
Da, nu numai ca nu ne-am luat tara inapoi, ci am instrainat-o si mai mult, de acum. Sub aceasta masca a guvernului tehnocrat, Romania va deveni nici mai mult, nici mai putin, decat o mare colonie si o viitoare carne de tun in iminentul conflict global care bate la usa.
Avem un guvern de slugi globaliste va dati seama ?
It's a secret Soros operation with NGO's and CIA to Romania Break into 4 pieces, so will destroy Romania, forever.
RăspundețiȘtergereand ONG's Sorosiiiiii which advocates for tearing Romania into pieces, and make gift Transylvania to the Hungarians, Moldova to Ukrainians, Dobrogea in Turks and Arabs, Oltenia the Indians and Hebrew. Romanians as nation trench thugs criminals curve illiterate,
During Communism Romania sary 23rd place in the global economy. 12% of the world economy.
Now ever since with the EU and NATO, the US, it peaked at 100 in the world economy (0, 1% of the economy), by dividing it into 4 pieces,
will get ranked 300 in the world economy ((0, 0001% of the world economy)) of 300 countries, below Haiti.
The average salary will be 3 euros per month and a minimum of 1 euro.
Half of the residents are unemployed, and the elderly will not have pensions, then the EU, NATO, USA,
will close to extermination camps called reservations of Indians, blacks
and exterminate them as they did in India, Africa, America, Asia, the native peoples.
Communism and Ceausescu regime in the majority of crime ereau 8-10 years in prison and punishment without any reduction but you can give another 3-4 years in prison in addition for indiscipline.
in the last 27 years both the Criminal Code had 118 modifications, operated secretly voted on by all parties, reaching that the majority facts criminal to go to the fine, house arrest suspended prison sentence,
why not come out when people in the street why no party did not oppose ????
Thugs and prostitutes took to the streets
youtube is CIA.
RăspundețiȘtergereyoutube censored.
Grungy it from youtube censored, barely ago on February 6, 2017 gave way to footage censored
You can not go into public buildings by force as long as you do not have 4 million people in the street PSD was voted by 4 million people voted PD_PNL only 1 million. You can not change government laws you do not have the street than 1 million people, it is called a coup.
The coup organized by Johannis to Darma legitimate elections where PSD had 4 million votes and PNL_PD only 1 million votes. Johannis and romania wants to break into pieces to give autonomy to the Hungarians in Transylvania and then All Transylvania.
in the last 27 years both the Criminal Code had 118 modifications, operated secretly voted on by all parties, reaching that the majority facts criminal to go to the fine, house arrest suspended prison sentence, why not come out when people in the street why no party did not oppose ????
Communism and Ceausescu regime in the majority of crime is 8-10 years in jail, and punishment without any reduction but you can give another 3-4 years in prison, in addition for indiscipline.
RăspundețiȘtergerein 1990-2017, 118 changed articles of the penal code and criminal procedure code condemn 3-8 months maximum possible prison
sentence reduction only in 10 percent of cases remaining 90 percent were where were they, suspended from or a fine home, where it was before the people,
which the intellectuals, where he was masssmedia, where was NATO, the EU, parties, Romanian Orthodox Church??? These manifestations were silent grief than PNL-PD ditch as he lost the elections.
in the last 27 years both the Criminal Code had 118 modifications, operated secretly voted on by all parties, reaching that the majority facts criminal to go to the fine, house arrest suspended prison sentence,
why not come out when people in the street why no party did not oppose ???? Communism and Ceausescu regime in the majority of crime ereau 8-10 years imprisonment and punishment without any reduction but you can give another 3-4 years in prison inplus for indiscipline.
1990- 2017, 118 changed articles of the penal code and criminal procedure code condemn 3-8 months maximum possible prison sentence reduction only in 10 percent of cases remaining 90 percent were eau suspended from or a fine home, where it was before the people,
which the intellectuals, where he was masssmedia, where was NATO, the EU, parties, church ??? These manifestations were silent grief than PNL-PD ditch as he lost the elections.
Behind the protests are prisoners and hookers who work for the Secret Service Roman Department of slaves, for CIA .
and ONG's Sorosiiiiii which advocates for tearing Romania into pieces, and make gift Transylvania to the Hungarians, Moldova to Ukrainians, Dobrogea in Turks and Arabs, Oltenia the Indians and Hebrew. Romanians as nation trench thugs criminals curve illiterate,
out in the street because Soros Foundation and the Romanian secret service and the CIA pays 10 euro / day of protest all sant members PD-PNL so obviously a political party is upset that he lost elections democratically.
Boss DNA Koves and Coldea as Voiculescu said Johannis working for Varane working for Soros.
SRI DICCOT CNA DNA structures of ANAF ditch Roman secret service, who are slaves of the CIA and Soros.
To analyze are not only political police terrorist government neither investigated by SRI DNA ANAF DICOOT NAC has not received any fine of EUR 1 billion was not confiscated the property extended has not been convicted expanded,
and he and his family and friends and colleagues, has not recovered ever injury, had to complete a minimum 10,000 inquiries and 9,999 to be sentenced to life imprisonment in hand to hard labor for life from mining,
and relatives and their friends and confiscation of total wealth expanded, and then publish the files and public trial, televised, not secret.
Did nothing, sandalwood tentacles, octopus Soros and CIA, which lead romania, manipulates a steal, to give Transylvania Hungarians, Ukrainians in Moldova, Dobrogea to Bulgarian Turks, Arabs, Indians and Jungle Oltenia in Hebrew.
Masons puppeteers, Pentagon and CIA, Soros Hungarian servants, leading Romania, attacked Suveraniatea and freedom Romania and Romanians.
RăspundețiȘtergereWhere were they ?? revolutionaries demonstrators, at home, why not and when they came out into the street ??? There never cared anything from a people whores and pimps what to expect, as whores and criminals ??? Help to mobilize SRI ??? parties ??? Soros CIA ??? ??? ???
ONG= Sorosiii Masoni they did not have his head on his shoulders ??? intellect, civic culture, they are the thieves, Europe, Europe prostitution, criminals.
Europe does not need trash, keep garbage at home. Europe has its own trash and garbage not like others. The Romans come as beggars pigs and sows, social aid in Europe to eat and steal to produce crime to sell their children into prostitution ????
Johannis for child trafficking, why not condemn anyone, do what Romans do all of Satanists nation ???? If fortune meditation Johannis
has not paid taxes on meditate reach 4 of 8 houses and houses with zero penalties and fines reaching homes.
Child trafficking and money from that 1 billion euros, why not told the SRI ???
ANI Bublica a useless institution alata why not declared as mayor and chairman incompatible with 4 companies and is a shareholder in majoriatar kings, so having business with the state ????
Constitutional Court of Romania, sleeps ??? and stealing money ??? as ombudsman, why not notified of incompatibility ?? ???
Roman people is illiterate, no culture, no civilization,, with doctorate and masters Ponta false gender, a people wild whores, thieves, criminals,
beggars, asking France in Paris in London, Milan, Rome, Berlin, about prostitutes romance thieves phones, trafficking of children and women,
beggars, forge bank cards, stealing bank cards, forge money, documents, falsify certificates, driving licenses, falsifying passports, work permits,
identity cards, all trench Satanists, they ditch satanist people not Christian, a Christian does not observe the 10 commandments offenses, they
make thousands of crimes in Romania cars crosswalk stepping on people and laughs and gives police the driver's right because it is satanist Mason.
Why ditch the Romans, for Soros? click below.---------Ce sant romanii pentru Soros? da click jos